DPR Sends Draft Job Creation Bill To President Today, Total There Are 812 Pages

JAKARTA - The Secretary General of the Indonesian Parliament Indra Iskandar said that the DPR RI will send the final draft of the Work Creation Bill to President Joko Widodo on Wednesday, October 14.

"We'll send the draft Ciptaker Bill," said Indra in Jakarta, as reported by Antara

He will send the draft Ciptaker Bill directly to President Jokowi.

According to him, the draft Ciptaker Bill will be sent as many as 812 pages which have been made editorial refinement.

"Yes, that's right (the draft Ciptaker Bill that was sent to the President was 812 pages)," he said.

Previously, Deputy Chairman of the Indonesian Parliament Azis Syamsuddin and Chairman of the DPR RI Legislation Body Supratman Andi Agtas answered the confusion regarding the actual page number of the Job Creation Act.

Azis Syamsuddin emphasized that the official Job Creation Law only contains 488 pages. However, if you add the number of pages explaining the law, the total page becomes 812 pages.

"If it is limited to the Job Creation Law, it is only 488 pages. Plus the explanation is 812 pages," said Azis in a press conference at the Indonesian Parliament Complex, Senayan, Jakarta, Tuesday, October 13.

Azis explained that at the time of discussion at the Work Committee on the Job Creation Bill, the paper margins were still the usual size (A4).

When the draft is brought to the Secretariat General of the DPR RI, the margin requirements must follow the standards agreed upon by Law No.12 of 2011 concerning the Formation of Legislative Regulations. So, the paper margins are changed to the legal size.

That is why the statement of the Secretary General of the DPR RI, Indra Iskandar, quoted by the mass media, said that the Job Creation Law contains 1,035 pages.

Azis immediately called the Secretary General of the Indonesian Parliament to confirm the news.

"I called the Secretary General, why did 1,032 pages (1,035 pages) have come out. Mr. Secretary General replied, Sir (Azis) is still a rough draft. It is still typed in a paper position not as a legal paper . After netting, typing commas, lines it's not rearranged, "he said.

Azis continued, "After typing, in the sense of editing, following the legal guidelines by the Secretary General and the ranks, the number of pages is 812 pages, including an explanation of the Job Creation Law. The law is officially only 488 pages."