British PM Boris Johnson Orders Cuts To 91,000 Civil Service Positions, Saves IDR 62.4 Trillion Budget

JAKARTA - British Prime Minister Boris Johnson has ordered ministers to cut 91,000 civil service jobs, to save billions of dollars in tax cuts, the Daily Mail reported on Thursday.

PM Johnson used a 'cost of living' cabinet meeting in the Midlands on Wednesday to order his top team to redouble their efforts to ease the financial pressure on struggling families.

They were given a month to come up with a plan to cut the size of the civil service, by almost a fifth of the current total, which would save about £3.5 billion a year, the newspaper said.

"Every pound the government takes from taxpayers is money they can spend on their own priorities, on their own lives," the report quoted PM Johnson as saying.

The British Prime Minister also remains convinced of the need for more officials to return to work, the paper said.

"We need to get back into the habit of going into the office, going into the workplace," he told the Daily Mail.

"There will be a lot of people who disagree with me, but I believe people are more productive, more energetic, more full of ideas, when they are surrounded by other people."

Separately, Dave Penman, secretary general of the FDA, the union for public service managers and professionals, said in a tweet, "Unless they have serious plans, it could make headlines or a reckless slash-and-burn stunt to the public service, without thinking." or care about the consequences."

PM Johnson's order came after he told parliament on Hari he and Treasury Secretary Rishi Sunak would speak more in the coming days to help voters with the costs of the current life crisis.