Which Is More Miserable, Climate Change Or COVID-19?

JAKARTA - One of the UN's special agencies, the World Meteorological Organization (WMO), said that natural disasters exacerbated by climate change are more dangerous than the COVID-19 pandemic. WMO revealed that climate change is the main cause of the increase in misery, in terms of the number of people who need international humanitarian assistance until 2030.

Launching CNA , Tuesday, October 13, in its latest report, WMO concluded that climate change is the main cause of the severe impact of natural disasters. It is recorded that more than 11 thousand disasters are closely related to climate change, including the tsunami phenomenon that occurred in the last 50 years.

“Even though COVID-19 is causing a major international health and economic crisis that will take years to recover. It is important to remember that climate change will continue to pose an ever-increasing threat to human life, ecosystems, economies and communities. For centuries to come, ”said WMO Secretary General Petteri Taalas.

"Recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic is an opportunity to move forward on a more sustainable pathway towards resilience and adaptation in the face of climate change," he said.

Not only WMO, State of Climate Services 2020 also revealed the same thing. In their report compiled by 16 international agencies and financial institutions, State of Climate Services 2020 has even called on the stakeholders of each country to allocate more money to create an early warning system for natural disasters and fight climate change.

This is none other than so that the country can deftly prevent climate change so that it does not have a big impact. For this reason, the State of Climate Services 2020 invites countries in the world to start preparing to fight climate change in order to reduce the impact of natural disasters.