Investigating Allegations Of Corruption In 2019-2021 Non-Cash Food Aid, Mukomuko Prosecutor's Office Examines 2 Witnesses

MUKOMUKO - The District Attorney (Kejari) of Mukomuko, Bengkulu Province, will examine two witnesses related to allegations of corruption in the non-cash food aid (BPNT) budget for the 2019-2021 Fiscal Year.

"We are going to Jakarta in the near future to examine two witnesses. These two witnesses are the witness from the Ministry of Social Affairs and an expert witness from the Coordinating Ministry for Development," said Head of the Mukomuko District Attorney, Rudi Iskandar, through the Special Crimes Section Chief Andi Setiawan in a statement released on Monday. received at Mukomuko, Antara, Thursday, May 12.

He said this was related to the follow-up to the investigation into alleged corruption in the non-cash food aid (BPNT) budget for the 2019-2021 Fiscal Year in this area. His party examined the Director General of the Poor, Ministry of Social Affairs as a witness and as the power user of the budget (KPA) for the non-cash food assistance program (BPNT).

Meanwhile, the expert witness of the Coordinating Ministry for Development because he is the party that drafts the non-cash food aid program.

The local District Attorney's Office previously examined 65 witnesses and confiscated documents deemed important for evidence. The nominal disbursed in this assistance reached Rp40 billion.

In the Regulation of the Minister of Social Affairs (Permensos) Number 20 of 2019 in Article 39 paragraph (1) it is stated that social assistants are prohibited from forming e-warung, becoming suppliers of goods and receiving compensation, either in money or in kind, related to the distribution of BPNT.

Meanwhile, in that case, he said, there were indications that a game had violated the Social Minister's Regulation.

"State losses arise from the parties' profits from supplying goods for BPNT's needs, which in fact they are prohibited from supplying these goods," he said.