Stinging Of Left Tear Gas At Tugu Tani After The Confusion, It Was The Officer To Clean The Garbage

JAKARTA - The situation in the Tugu Tani and Senen areas, Central Jakarta is currently conducive, after the chaos. Vehicles can already pass after the road was closed due to the chaos of the masses.

There are no more road closures in the Tugu Tani area. Now, the road is accessible to motorists. However, the effect of the tear gas that was fired by the police was still felt while crossing this area.

Based on VOI monitoring, at around 21.00 WIB, PPSU officers, City Park and Forest Service officers, and DKI Bina Marga Sub-Department cleaned up the remains of rubbish and repaired the road separator that the mob had demolished.

In addition, the Senen area, which was previously the location for rioters to flee due to being beaten by the police, has also been running normally. Motorized vehicles can pass the Letjen Suprapto road.

Officers tidy up the road separator (Photo: Diah Ayu W / VOI)

Previous riots occurred in the Horse Statue area. The masses of most of these teenagers were beaten back and scattered towards Tanah Abang and Kebon Sirih.

The chaos then continued to the Tugu Tani. Police dispersed the crowd who burned tires in the middle of the road with tear gas shots.

Officers clean the road after the chaos (Photo: Diah Ayu W / VOI)

Regarding the riots in Jakarta today, Polda Metro Jaya arrested 500 rioters during a demonstration against the Work Creation Law in Jakarta. Hundreds of people who were arrested from several places were suspected of being anarcho groups.

"Until now, about 500 people we have arrested include anarchos in the area," said Metro Jaya Police Chief, Inspector General Nana Sudjana, to reporters, Tuesday, October 13.