The Establishment Of The "Shining" Ppaya Village, East Kalimantan, Eradicating Drug Trafficking

PENAJAM - The establishment of a drug-free village or "shining" in Bangun Mulya Village, Waru District, North Penajam Paser Regency is an effort by East Kalimantan Province to eradicate drugs. or BNN East Kalimantan Province, Risma Tuti Silalahi in Penajam, Thursday, May 12. "We are conducting education on the dangers of drugs to prevent trafficking and abuse in the implementation of P4GN (prevention of eradicating drug abuse and illicit trafficking)," he added. the P4GN program to realize a drug-free village and support a "shining" village that was formed in Bangun Mulya Village, Waru District, North Penajam Paser Regency. drugs in the area u.BNN East Kalimantan Province focuses on establishing drug-free villages according to him, as a strategic effort to realize complete program implementation and interrelationships (integration) between fields. commitment of policy makers," he said as quoted by Antara.

The drug-free village program is a strategic program because all components of society to the smallest order form resilience and have strong deterrence against drug abuse and trafficking. "Let's increase cooperation to save the Indonesian people, especially East Kalimantan from the threat of drugs," said Risma Tuti Silalahi.