Although School Canteens May Open, KPAI Suggests Students Bring Food Supplies To Prevent Acute Hepatitis

JAKARTA - The government, through the latest Joint Decree (SKB) of the Four Ministers, has again allowed schools to open canteens for face-to-face learning (PTM) during the COVID-19 pandemic.

However, the Commissioner for the Indonesian Child Protection Commission (KPAI) for Education, Retno Listyarti, still recommends that students bring provisions from their respective parents. Because, currently cases of acute hepatitis are being watched out for in Indonesia.

"The Circular of the Secretary General of the Ministry of Education and Research and Technology related to the implementation of PTM, among which are already allowed to open cafeterias in schools with a limit of 75 percent of visitors. Parents should provide their children to school with food and drinks from home, don't snack or buy carelessly," said Retno in her statement, Thursday, May 12.

Retno said, acute hepatitis infects people from the digestive tract and respiratory tract. Therefore, Retno asked the government to evaluate the Decree of the Four Ministers regarding the opening of the canteen by suggesting that students be provided with food and not to crowd in the canteen.

"This is important to be re-evaluated because acute hepatitis is transmitted through the digestive tract and respiratory tract," said Retno.

Retno also asked the government to immediately conduct socialization and education to parents regarding clear information about acute hepatitis and prevention efforts such as maintaining environmental cleanliness, ensuring progress, recognizing early signs or symptoms of the disease.

"Parents who have been educated are obligated to educate their children regarding this mysterious hepatitis disease so that children realize why they must obey the procedures. The same education and socialization must be carried out by the school as well," explained Retno.

For information, the latest regulations regarding PTM are contained in the Four Ministerial Decree (SKB) by the Minister of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology, Minister of Religion, Minister of Health, and Minister of Home Affairs Number 01/KB/2022, Number 408 of 2022, Number HK .01.08/MENKES/1140/2022, Number 420-1026 of 2022 concerning Guidelines for the Implementation of Learning in the Time of the COVID-19 Pandemic.

In the Decree of the Four Ministers, it is explained that extracurricular activities and sports can be carried out again provided the activities are carried out outdoors or in open spaces.

In addition, the canteen is reopened with a maximum visitor capacity of 75 percent for PPKM Level 1, 2 and 3 and 50 percent for education units at PPKM level 4. Canteen management is carried out in accordance with the criteria for a healthy canteen and continues to apply strict health protocols.

"Because not all children can bring lunch from home, we are giving permission so that the school canteen can resume operations with the implementation of health protocols," explained Secretary General of the Ministry of Education and Culture, Suharti.