Three BUMN Sharia Banks Join, How Is The Fate Of The Customer?

JAKARTA - Head of the Project Management Office Team and Deputy President Director of PT Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk, Hery Gunardi, said there would be no changes in services during the merger process of the three Islamic state-owned bank subsidiary sharia banks. He emphasized that the services of the three Islamic banks that will be combined will continue to run as usual.

"We ensure that the service for customers does not change, because the bank will carry out its activities as usual, running independently until the merger is valid in 2021," he said, in a virtual press conference, Tuesday, October 13.

Hery explained that the merger of the three Islamic banks had not yet occurred, and was only an initial agreement. It is like, the signing of the Conditional Merger Agreement (CMA) is proof of proposing, and there has been no contract. The legal merger will occur in February the first quarter of 2021.

This means that as long as they are not yet legally joined, these three Islamic banks will continue to run as before. Hery said, this process is still long until the merger is officially carried out.

Meanwhile, President Director of PT Bank BRIsyariah Tbk Ngatari said that all services are guaranteed to remain optimal. He guarantees that customers can still make transactions as usual.

"We ensure that customer service continues as normal, optimally as it is today," said Ngatari.

For your information, the merger of the three state-owned subsidiary sharia banks is in accordance with the direction of BUMN Minister Erick Thohir. The goal is that Indonesia as a country with the largest Muslim population in the world, can have a large Islamic bank and be able to optimize the economic and national Islamic financial potential, as well as strengthen the halal industry ecosystem.

The merger of the three banks is targeted to be among the top 10 largest Islamic banks in the world. The plan is for this merger to be completed in February 2021. Meanwhile, the merged Islamic bank is also predicted to be in the 7th or 8th position of the 10 best banks in the country, with total assets in the first quarter of 2021 of around IDR 220 to IDR 225 trillion.

Not only that, the merger of the three Islamic banks will also result in an extensive network, namely 1,200 branches, the largest in all of Indonesia. In fact, in 2025 the total assets are projected to reach IDR 390 trillion.

In addition to total assets, the joining of the three state-owned sharia banks will also be able to channel financing of Rp. 272 trillion and funding of Rp. 330 trillion.