Police Find Ball Suspected Of Containing Chemical Liquid, Gegana Team Deployed

JAKARTA - The police found a ball suspected of containing chemical liquid when the 1310 demonstration rioted. The ball will be examined to determine the contents of the liquid in it.

The ball was found around the Bank Indonesia roundabout. The baseball was thrown from the direction of the rioters to the police.

Luckily, none of the police personnel were hit by the throw. So, the ball was immediately secured.

Kapolda Metro, Insp. Gen. Nana Sudjana, said the ball would be investigated by the bomb squad and the gegana team.

"We are really investigating the chemical substance or not in the deepening process. There are members from Jibom and Gegana," Argo told reporters, Tuesday, October 13.

The 1310 demonstration ended in chaos towards the evening. The police barricade dispersed the crowd at the Horse Statue towards Sarinah.

The police asked the crowd, mostly teenagers, to disperse in the afternoon. But the crowd held on near the barbed wire.

"No one was throwing them around, we remind you that this action is peaceful, please return to your respective homes," said Central Jakarta Police Chief Kombes Heru Novianto over a loudspeaker.

Repeatedly the appeal was made, the masses, mostly teenagers, remained. Some tried to provoke by throwing stones, and bottles.

The police also fired tear gas. The crowd continued to throw objects at the police.

Until finally Heru approached the crowd on the barbed wire. He asked the masses to disperse.

"Retreat ... back away," said Kombes Heru.