Makassar Bawaslu Handles Alleged Political Distribution Of Fund For Basic Food, Danny Pomanto

MAKASSAR - The Election Supervisory Agency for Makassar City, South Sulawesi, handled a case of alleged money politics by distributing basic foodstuffs to residents. The alleged violation is related to the pair number 1 M Ramdhan Pomanto-Fatmawati Rusdi.

"Witnesses, in the form of evidence, billboards then rice and packaged instant noodle oil are evidence," said Zufikarnain, the Coordinator of the Supervision, Public Relations and Inter-Agency Relations Division of the Makassar City Bawaslu, VOI , Tuesday, October 13.

The alleged violation was handled directly by the Gakkumdu Center. The reporting file is submitted to the Makassar Police.

Although the allegations of money politics have met the elements, Bawaslu will still carry out investigations. There are 14 working days for Bawaslu to process this case.

"Investigators have time to complete witnesses and evidence," he said.

Evidence of basic food items

Meanwhile, the head of the legal team for candidate pair Munafri Arifuddin-Rahman Bando (Appi-Rahman) said that Gakkumdu had asked for information.

Gakkumdu is an integrated law enforcement center consisting of three parties, namely Bawaslu, the Attorney General's Office and the Police.

"We have been asked for information," said the head of the Appi-Rahman legal team, Yusuf Gunco.

The five witnesses presented by the reporter for questioning were the recipient of rice, the witness who saw the rice being unloaded from the box car to the post allegedly belonged to the Danny-Fatmawati (Adama) pair and the witness who recorded the rice unloading activities.

Yugo explained that this report was carried out after having examined the evidence. It is suspected that the distribution of basic necessities occurred in Tamajene, Panakkukang.