Canadian Caucasians Who Danced Naked On Mount Batur Bali Deported

BADUNG - After 14 days in the Immigration Detention Center (Rudenim) Denpasar, Canadian foreigner Jeffrey Douglas Craigen (33) was deported to his home country.

This Canadian Caucasian was deported for an offense by dancing naked on Mount Batur, Bangli Regency in April 2022.

The head of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights (Kemenkum HAM) Bali, Jamaruli Manihuruk said the Canadian foreigner was deported for violating Article 75 Paragraph (1) of Law Number 6 Year 2011 concerning Immigration.

"Immigration officials are authorized to carry out administrative immigration actions against foreigners who are in Indonesian territory who carry out dangerous activities and are reasonably suspected of endangering security and public order or not respecting or disobeying statutory regulations," said Jamaruli, Wednesday, May 11.

This Canadian Caucasian was previously reported to have uploaded a video dancing naked at the top of Mount Batur. Jeffrey admitted that he did not mean to harass Bali.

"He made the video without anyone's coercion and just to express himself. However, from his actions, there were criticisms from many parties, especially local residents because they were considered not to respect local culture and customs," said Maruli.

Jeffrey entered Bali in late 2018 and late 2019. In 2020, Jeffrey intended to return to Canada but was held back due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Jeffrey, the voice actor for this animated film on Netflix, was deported via Bali's Ngurah Rai Airport to the Netherlands and then continued to Canada

"After we report the deportation, a decision on further deterrence will be made by the Directorate General of Immigration by looking at and considering all the cases," said Jamaruli.