Bank Mandiri Presents Digital Box Service In Bali And Nusa Tenggara

JAKARTA - Bank Mandiri Region XI Bali and Nusa Tenggara Region presents Digital Box services to provide convenience, security, comfort and answer the needs of people on the Island of the Gods in transacting and enjoying banking services quickly.

"With the presence of Digital Box, we want more and more people to get acquainted with banks. Start investing, placing deposits, including loan services, we can reach more," said Regional CEO of Bank Mandiri Bali-Nusra Hendra Wahyudi in Denpasar, quoted from Antara, Wednesday 11 May.

The Digital Box service, said Hendra Wahyudi, is an implementation of Smart Branch from Bank Mandiri, which is one of the state-owned banks in the country to increase the digitization of service functions and physical appearance of branches.

The facilities provided in the Digital Box include one unit of Customer Service Machine (CSM) for account opening and ATM card replacement and three units of Cash Recycling Machine (CRM) for cash deposits and withdrawals that can be done by customers themselves.

Then Virtual Box as a remote channel, four tablets as a medium to display product information owned by Bank Mandiri, and assisted by two General Bankers.

"In the past, Digital Box was only in Jakarta, now Digital Box is in Bali," said Hendra.

His party targets that by the end of May or early June 2022, there will be two Digital Boxes in Bali, namely one at Menara Mandiri Surapati, Denpasar City and the other at the domestic terminal of I Gusti Ngurah Rai International Airport, Bali.

The Surapati Mandiri Tower Digital Box, which is located on Jalan Surapati, Denpasar City, has been operating effectively and has received an operational permit.

Meanwhile, the Digital Box, which will be placed at the Domestic Terminal of I Gusti Ngurah Rai Airport, Bali, will be operational starting at the end of May 2022.

"The airport is one of the entrances in Bali. With the presence of the Digital Box, we can serve Bank Mandiri customers from outside Bali who want to travel or do business. This includes Balinese businessmen who will leave Bali," he said.

Hendra added, Digital Box services can be utilized by all segments because the features provided are available for individuals and companies.

Meanwhile, regarding the development of a special branch network in Bank Mandiri Region XI Bali and Nusa Tenggara Region for 2022 into Smart Branches, 23 branches are planned, consisting of 19 Hybrid Branches and 4 Upgrade Branch branches.

Hybrid Branch is intended for customers with high digital adoption but the services required are quite complex. Meanwhile, the Upgrade Branch is for customers who have just accessed digital.

"To implement the development of all Smart Branches, we have carried out various implementation preparations ranging from site surveys and determining the design and procurement of contractors to the construction process," said Hendra.

In addition, the procurement of the required equipment installation, to the licensing process from related parties so that the Smart Branch at Bank Mandiri Region XI can operate.

Not only in terms of infrastructure and licensing, his party also made preparations in terms of human resources. Currently mapping the General Bankers who will serve in each Smart Branch.