Seven Strategic Policies In The 2021 State Budget, Number One Education Budget With An Allocation Of IDR 550.5 Trillion

JAKARTA - Head of the State Budget Policy Center for Fiscal Policy Agency of the Ministry of Finance, Ubaidi Socheh Hamidi, said that the government will implement seven strategic policies using the 2021 State Budget.

Furthermore, Ubaidi explained that the strategic policy was to accelerate economic recovery and transformation towards an advanced Indonesia.

"From several economic dynamics, we have determined the deficit which is formed from the determination of spending, this is done to support the 2021 strategic policy," he said, during a virtual discussion, Tuesday, October 13.

The first strategic policy is in the field of education by allocating a budget of Rp. 550.5 trillion. This sector received the highest financing. The budget is used to support the increase in the score of the Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) and the quality of teachers and to strengthen the implementation of Early Childhood Education (PAUD).

Second, the health sector with a budget of Rp. 169.7 trillion which is still being carried out to accelerate recovery due to COVID-19 as well as to implement reform of the National Health Insurance (JKN) and prepare Health Security Preparedness.

Third, the social protection sector with a budget allocation of up to Rp421.7 trillion to support comprehensive, gradual reforms based on the life cycle and anticipation of the aging population .

Fourth, the infrastructure sector with a budget of Rp.413.8 trillion in the context of providing basic services, increasing connectivity, supporting recovery, and continuing pending priority programs.

"We are still putting emphasis on the development of this Rp413.8 trillion connection," he said.

Then, the food security sector with a budget of Rp. 104.2 trillion to increase food production and support economic recovery through the revitalization of the national food system and the development of a food estate or food storage.

"The sixth is the tourism sector through a budget allocation of Rp. 15.7 trillion to encourage the recovery of this sector with a focus on the five areas and the development of the PPP scheme," he said.

Finally, for the field of Information and Communication Technology or ICT, a budget prepared is Rp. 29.6 trillion to support and improve the quality of public services, including those related to efficiency, convenience and acceleration.

"This is very important, our COVID-19 experience uses a lot of ICT to support all our activities in terms of bureaucratic communication and so on," he said.