DKI Deputy Governor: Please Demonstrate To Reject The Job Creation Law, But Don't Damage Public Facilities

JAKARTA - Deputy Governor of DKI Jakarta, Ahmad Riza Patria, invited his citizens to hold a demonstration against the Work Creation Law in the area of the Arjuna Wiwaha Horse Statue today.

However, Riza advised that there should be no more damaging of public facilities, namely bus stops, stations, traffic lights, CCTV, and roadblocks, as happened during a demonstration on Thursday, October 8.

"We hope that there are no more residents who commit vandalism or anarchism related to public facilities and transportation. This is very detrimental to all of us, especially public transportation users," said Riza at the City Hall of DKI, Central Jakarta, Tuesday, October 13.

Riza also asked the participants to always wear masks and keep their distance in holding demonstrations. Because, mass gathering activities like this have the potential to create a COVID-19 cluster.

He continued, it is hoped that the police apparatus will not be provoked by the protesters so that provocateurs do not cause chaos.

"In every demonstration, there are usually those who infiltrate, are ridden or some are more emotional than the demonstrations," he said.

Furthermore, the Gerindra Party politician also views that the form of rejection of the Job Creation Law is better conveyed through the constitutional channel, namely a request for judicial review to the Constitutional Court (MK).

"Please convey your aspirations through the existing constitution. It can be through a judicial review at the Constitutional Court," said Riza.

For information, a number of masses who are members of the National Anti-Communist Alliance of the Republic of Indonesia (ANAK NKRI) have gathered at the Arjuna Wiwaha Horse Statue area, Central Jakarta.

The mass organizations in this alliance are the 212 Alumni Brotherhood (PA), the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI) and the Ulama Fatwa Guard National Movement (GNPF).

Two commando cars were seen parked in the middle of the crowd. After singing the national compulsory songs, representatives of the masses took turns calling for rejection of the Job Creation Law.

In front of the crowd, the police had blockaded Jalan Medan Merdeka Barat using a road divider and barbed wire. It appears that the police were still monitoring from across the barrier separating the masses.