Due To Heavy Rains, Floods Inundate Two Sub-districts In East Kotawaringin

SAMPIT - Heavy rains that have occurred since last weekend in East Kotawaringin Regency, Central Kalimantan, not only caused flooding in the center of Sampit City, but also submerged a number of villages in two sub-districts in the northern or upstream areas. "We are still collecting data. currently from Tualan Hulu and Bukit Santuai sub-districts," said Secretary of the East Kotawaringin Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD), Yephi Hartady in Sampit, Wednesday. about 150 kilometers and 211 kilometers. Although located in the upstream area, a number of villages in the sub-district are prone to flooding during the rainy season. Provisional information received by BPBD is that the flood in Tualan Hulu sub-district inundated Tumbang Mujam, Tanjung Jorong and the surrounding villages. Meanwhile, flooding in Bukit Santuai District submerged Tumbang Penyehuan Village which is the center of the sub-district. The flood in Tumbang Mujam Village was quite severe with water depths of up to 70 centimeters from the surface of the local village road. The BPBD continues to coordinate with the sub-district and village governments to collect data on the impact of the flood and the condition of residents in the flooded area. The data will be the basis for the regional government to take steps to handle it, including regarding the distribution of aid for flood victims. be aware of severe flooding due to high rainfall which triggers rivers to overflow. Meanwhile, based on data released by BMKG Haji Asan Sampit, based on the HIMAWARI-8 Infra Red Enhanced weather satellite imagery at 07.00 WIB, there is significant cloud growth in East Kotawaringin Regency, especially in the Districts of Bukit Santuai, Telaga Antang, Antang Kalang, Tualan Hulu, Mentaya Hulu, Parenggean, Cempaga, Cempaga Hulu, Telawang, Mentaya Hilir Utara, Mentawa Baru Ketapang, and Baamang.