KPK Opens Opportunity To Examine Deputy Regent Of Bogor Regarding Suspected Bribery Of Ade Yasin

JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) has the opportunity to summon parties who are aware of the alleged bribery in the management of the Bogor Regency Government's financial reports for the 2021 Fiscal Year. One of them is Deputy Regent of Bogor Iwan Setiawan, who now serves as Acting Regent of Bogor.

This possibility was opened after the inactive Bogor Regent Ade Yasin was named a suspect. He is suspected of bribing four employees of the Supreme Audit Agency (BPK) representing West Java in order to achieve an unqualified title (WTP).

"Anyone I think, anyone, if after the construction of this case, after we developed the witnesses, the investigators needed information from officials, whether it was the Bogor Regency Government or the West Java BPK, we would definitely call them as witnesses," said Acting KPK Spokesperson for Enforcement Sector Ali. Fikri told reporters, Wednesday, May 11.

KPK investigators, continued Ali, will not limit the summons to those who are considered to know about the bribery. Moreover, the anti-corruption commission is currently focusing on investigating the actions of the suspects in this case.

"In principle, witnesses are people who know so that it is clearer and clearer about the strengths of the suspects," he said.

"Certainly (currently, ed) we are focusing (investigation, ed) on the suspect's actions first. Only later the development will be openly in the trial process," added Ali. - official-so-owner-twitter-elon-musk-akan-return-account-donald-trump-yang-suspended- in-kota-depok-terbakar-[/see_slao] Reported Previously, the KPK had named eight people as suspects in the alleged bribery case related to the management of the Bogor Regency Government (Pemkab) financial reports, West Java for the 2021 Fiscal Year.

As donors, namely the Bogor Regent for the 2018-2023 period Ade Yasin (AY), Secretary of the Bogor Regency Office Maulana Adam (MA), Head of the Regional Treasury for the Regional Financial and Asset Management Agency (BPKAD) Bogor Regency Ihsan Ayatullah (IA), and officials who made commitments. (PPK) at the Bogor Regency PUPR Office, Rizki Taufik (RT).

While the four suspects who received bribes, namely employees of the Supreme Audit Agency (BPK) Representative of West Java/Head of Sub Auditorat Jabar III/technical controller Anthon Merdiansyah (ATM), employees of BPK Representative of West Java/Chairman of the Interim Audit Team of Bogor Regency Arko Mulawan (AM), employee West Java Representative BPK/investigator Hendra Nur Rahmatullah Karwita (HNRK), and West Java Representative BPK/investigator Gerri Ginajar Trie Rahmatullah (GGTR).

The determination of Ade and seven other people as suspects began with the Hand Catch Operation (OTT). The evidence confiscated by the KPK was in the form of money with a value of Rp. 1.024 billion.