Sultan HB X Will Have A Dialogue With Residents Around Piyungan TPA

YOGYAKARTA - The Governor of the Special Region of Yogyakarta Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono X will open a dialogue room with residents who have blocked road access to the Piyungan Regional Final Processing Site (TPA), Bantul Regency.

"Later we will try to be able to have time (dialogue with residents)," said Sri Sultan at the Kepatihan complex, Yogyakarta, as reported by Antara, Tuesday, May 10.

According to Sultan, the volume of waste at the Piyungan Regional TPA has exceeded its capacity so it will soon be expanded or developed.

Land for the expansion of the Piyungan Regional TPA, he said, was also available.

"The principle is that we will close the old TPA, we will turn it into a green space so that we will develop new places next to it," he said.

However, the closure of the old Piyungan Regional TPA location is still waiting for the results of research from Bappenas and the Indonesian Infrastructure Guarantee Agency (PT PII).

He hopes that the people around the Piyungan Regional TPA will be patient and understand that research on the closure and development of a new location for integrated waste disposal will take a long time.

"So how will they (Bappebas and PT PII) be able to understand for a time, as well as how to fully deal with this so that they have space for dialogue with the residents," he said.

In addition to the development of the Piyungan Regional TPA with a cooperation scheme between the Government and Business Entities (KPBU), the DIY Regional Government plans to build the Piyungan Regional Transitional TPA as a new waste processing site.

The consideration is that the existing TPA will no longer be able to accept waste by the end of 2022 and development with the PPP scheme will only operate in 2026.

There is also the Piyungan Regional Transitional TPA with an area of 2.1 hectares, said Deputy Head of the DIY ESDM PU Service, Kusno Wibowo, which is planned to be operational at the end of August 2022.

"In preparing for the implementation of the Transitional TPA construction, a large number of workers and equipment are needed. Based on the direction from the Governor of DIY that the implementation of the Transitional TPA is requested to maximize the potential and participation of the local residents of the Piyungan TPA," said Kusno.

Meanwhile, DIY Regional Secretary Kadarmanta Baskara Aji said that the aspirations of the people living around the Piyungan Regional TPA had been discussed.

According to him, the Department of Public Works and Energy and Mineral Resources and the Department of DLHK DIY have made efforts so that the capacity of the Piyungan TPA can be extended, while waiting for the PPP to be realized.

This is because the regions of Yogyakarta, Sleman, and Bantul have no alternative but to concentrate waste disposal at the Piyungan Regional TPA.

Aji also emphasized the importance of the district/city government's contribution to reducing the volume of waste starting from the upstream area.

"The problem of waste processing is not only in the downstream area, but also upstream. What must be done besides being disposed of in the trash, waste must be sorted first which is organic which is inorganic. It is necessary to educate the public about waste, besides having an impact on uncomfortable views, it also impact on health," said Aji.