It Turns Out, There Are Minors Who Are Suspected Of Being Robbing Members Of The TNI AD Kodam Jaya, This Is Their Role

JAKARTA - The South Jakarta Metro Police together with the Metro Jaya Police revealed the roles of nine suspected robbers with the victims of two members of the Indonesian Army who acted in the Kebayoran Baru Market, South Jakarta.

The Head of Public Relations of the Polda Metro Jaya, Kombes Endra Zulpan, revealed that the perpetrators divided their roles to smooth the action. Starting from MRH acting as the executor to confiscate the victim's motorbike.

"Then for MRM (19), MB (16), AM surrounded the victim to carry out an attempted theft," Zulpan explained to reporters at the South Jakarta Metro Police, Tuesday 10 May.

Meanwhile for RM (24), FR (17) and R (19) served as jockeys or piggybacking the perpetrators.

"(For) MAH who is 15 years old only enlivens the group to carry out an attempted theft," he explained.

For information, the burglary took place on Jalan Bumi, Kebayoran Baru, South Jakarta, Saturday, May 7.

started from the perpetrators who gathered and drank alcohol in Bulungan area, South Jakarta.

"After they consumed liquor, then the perpetrators went around using a motorbike, then saw the victim who was using a red Mio motorbike," he said.

The perpetrators approached the victim with the mode of asking for cigarettes. They surrounded the two soldiers.

Suddenly, someone threw a paving block at the victim. Luckily the stone didn't hit the target. Realizing that they were being attacked, the two soldiers fought back until the perpetrators fled.