Disbursing Rp. 200 Million, Mataram Dispar Beautifies Old Building In The Corner Of Ampenan Anchor Park For Creative Space

MATARAM - The Mataram City Tourism Office, West Nusa Tenggara Province (NTB) has arranged an old building in the corner of Ampenan Anchor Park to be used as a creative space as well as an old city tourist destination in this area.

Head of the Mataram City Tourism Office (Dispar) H Nizar Denny Cahyadi said the creative spatial arrangement had begun by painting the building with more attractive colors.

"We arrange and beautify only the outside of the building, while the inside is still intact," he said in Mataram as reported by Antara, Tuesday, May 10.

The arrangement of the building is currently just painting the windows and doors as well as the land on the front, so that it can look more attractive and unique.

As a complement, on the top outside of the old building, a large wall clock will be installed so that it can facilitate the public and tourists around the area as well as to become the identity of the Ampenan Old Town area.

"For the initial stage of the structuring budget, we will allocate a budget of Rp. 200 million," he said.

Furthermore, Denny said, the arrangement of old buildings which are now owned by the Mataram City Government is also intended to motivate the owners of old buildings in the vicinity to want to organize their buildings independently.

Meanwhile, related to durian traders who are in Anchors Park, said Denny, it is planned to be relocated because the Environmental Service (DLH) will also organize Anchor Park.

"Thus, the arrangement of old buildings as creative spaces can be integrated with Anchor Park, which is also a part of the history of the Old City of Ampenan," he said.