More Than Half Of Britons Fear Not Interested In Sex Again As A Result Of Lockdown

JAKARTA - The COVID-19 pandemic is not only affecting social life in Britain, but also sex life.

When the local government announced a key three-tier system of regulation, concerns about collective mental health increased.

Couples who do not live together are isolated separately. And British society is ordered to avoid sex unless their relationship status is established, reports The Metro , Tuesday, October 13.

Now, a new study shows that these people worry that their libido won't recover after a 'long drought'.

Research conducted by digital sex therapy app Blueheart shows that 55 percent of Britons fear they will never be attracted to sex again. It's not only singles who are affected.

As many as 41 percent of them said that they deliberately made themselves "unattractive" anymore to their partners to avoid sexual activity. This includes not bathing or covering up sensual parts. Another 29 percent distracted themselves from sex with TV and video games.

Of the 2,559 participants - all of whom had low sex drive - only 20 percent discussed this issue with their partner.

At this time, said the study, loss of sex drive can be normal. Our libido is easily affected by sadness, stress, job loss and illness.

As many as 52 percent of those questioned suffered from anxiety. Meanwhile, a third feel bored with sex or not excited anymore.

Dr. Katherine M. Hertlein, couples therapist, sexuality educator and expert advisor at Blueheart, says: “Low libido - like many other forms of sexual dysfunction - can be a very taboo topic.

"People are embarrassed to discuss their feelings for fear of being judged, because culturally we put so much pressure on people (especially young people) to want to have sex all the time."

He added: “Despite the ongoing narrative of the imminent 'baby boom', the last few months have not necessarily been a catalyst for many people's libido.

"But low libido is very common and also something that can be overcome with the right combination of help and support."

For those of you who are married. If you are not satisfied with your sex drive, talk to your doctor as they may be able to help.

Women should also pay attention to their contraception, as some forms of hormones can affect libido.