Gets Commitment To Provision Of 16 INKA Production Trains, KAI Commuter Is Ready To Provide Environmentally Friendly KRL Transportation

JAKARTA - PT INKA (Persero) and KAI Commuter held the signing of a memorandum of understanding (MoU) regarding the procurement of Electric Rail Train (KRL). In the future, INKA will produce 16 series of KRL with an arrangement of 12 trains per circuit according to the order of KAI Komuter.

The signing was carried out by the President Director of KAI Commuter, Roppiq Lutzfi Azhar with the President Director of PT INKA (Persero), Budi Noviantoro. The signing of the MoU was also witnessed by Deputy Minister II of the Ministry of BUMN, Kartika Wirjoatmodjo, Director of Railway Facilities at the Indonesian Ministry of Transportation Djarot Tri Wardhono, Director of IMATAP of the Indonesian Ministry of Industry R. Hendro Martono, and Director of PT Kereta Api Indonesia (Persero) Didiek Hartantyo.

President Director of PT INKA (Persero) Budi Noviantoro said that this MoU is a BUMN synergy with the scope of activities related to all preparations needed for the procurement of KRL by KAI Commuter and preparation of KRL production by PT INKA.

"KAI Commuter plans to procure new facilities as many as 16 series of KRL with a composition of 12 trains each with the technical specifications required by the railway legislation," he said during the signing ceremony at the Ministry of SOEs, Jakarta, Monday, May 9.

Furthermore, Budi hopes that all preparations until the first delivery will be according to the estimated schedule, namely in 2024.

"PT INKA (Persero) will also be committed to realizing this MoU according to the target of the KAI Commuter," he said.

The plan, said Budi, in addition to production, PT INKA (Persero) will also provide after-sales services such as the provision of component parts. This is a form of commitment in providing reliable domestic products made by the nation's children.

Meanwhile, KAI President Director Didiek Hartantyo said that the signing of this MoU would serve as a joint guideline between KAI, in this case KAI Commuter, and INKA in preparing a good and comprehensive plan to procure the 16 series of KRL and based on Good Corporate Governance (GCG). including how to ensure that this procurement is carried out with the right quality and on time.

KAI sees that the optimism for economic recovery is extraordinary, where the increase in customers has been seen with occupancy at almost 100 percent. This shows that the enthusiasm of the community towards the need for public transportation that is efficient, environmentally friendly, affordable, and with orderly health protocols.

"In line with these conditions, the plan for the procurement of new KRL facilities which will be carried out by KAI Commuter and INKA later cannot be separated from the President's message how we build transportation that is efficient, environmentally friendly, affordable by the community, and taking into account the principles of Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) will be our standard going forward," he said.

KAI Commuter as the operator of the Jabodetabek KRL and Yogyakarta-Solo KRL in operating KRL services requires reliable facilities as the main capital for KAI Commuter in serving customers. With a target of 1.2 million users per day, of course, KAI Commuter requires reliable KRL facilities in carrying out its operations to meet this target.

"This MoU between KAI Commuter and PT INKA is expected to support the creation of KAI Commuter operation excellence which makes KRL transportation environmentally friendly and efficient," said the President Director of KAI Commuter, Roppiq Lutzfi Azhar.

Through this MoU, said Roppiq, it is hoped that the services that can be provided to KRL users will be better and the number of public transportation users will increase.