Yogyakarta City Government Asks Citizens To Beware Of Mysterious Acute Hepatitis

YOGYAKARTA - The Yogyakarta City Health Office asked the public to improve a clean and healthy lifestyle (PHBS) while maintaining health protocols as an effort to be aware of and anticipate the potential for mysterious acute hepatitis transmission. Hopefully there isn't. Even so, the public still has to be reminded to apply a clean and healthy lifestyle and don't forget the health protocols, because the COVID-19 pandemic still exists," said Head of the Yogyakarta City Health Office Emma Rahmi Aryani in Yogyakarta, Monday 9 May. According to Emma, the greatest vigilance is focused on children, because based on existing case reports, until now mysterious cases of acute hepatitis have been experienced by children. One of the steps taken by the Yogyakarta City Health Office is to send a circular letter (SE) to all schools for early warning and prevention. support the implementation of a clean and healthy lifestyle. “Socialization on the implementation of PHBS must really be intensified. The public is also asked to reduce children's activities that involve interaction with many people," he said as quoted by Antara. One of them is to reduce swimming activities in public places or gathering in crowded places, because there is a risk of transmission. "Food should also be cooked thoroughly. ripe," said Emma, who said that information regarding the transmission of mysterious hepatitis is still being investigated. “To do the screening, of course there must be a case first. There are symptomatic patients. If there are no cases, screening cannot be done," he said. Meanwhile, Head of the Section for Infectious Disease Control and Immunization of the Yogyakarta City Health Office, Endang Sri Rahayu, said the same thing, namely that he had not received a case report suspected of being a mysterious acute hepatitis. found in Yogyakarta are usually types of hepatitis A or B,” he said. In general, said Endang, the symptoms of being exposed to hepatitis are almost the same, namely experiencing fever, nausea, vomiting, jaundice, and others. "To be able to determine the type of hepatitis, it must be done through laboratory tests," he said.