Starting Today Until May 13, Minister Yaqut's Subordinates Apply 50 Percent WFH

JAKARTA - The Ministry of Religion enforces a work from home (WFH) system for 50% of its employees in the 9-13 May 2022 range.

This rule is stated in the Circular of the Secretary General of the Ministry of Religion No. 12 of 2022 concerning the Work System of State Civil Apparatus Employees (ASN) at the Ministry of Religion after National Holidays and Joint Leave for Eid Al-Fitr 1443 H, dated May 7, 2022.

"Starting from May 9-13, 2022, a 50 percent WFH work system and work from office or WFO for 50 percent of the Ministry of Religion's employees will be implemented," said Secretary General of the Ministry of Religion, Nizar Ali, Sunday, May 8, quoted from the ministry's website.

WFH is prioritized for ASN employees who are going home for Eid or traveling back and forth by considering the density of backflow. In addition, WFH is also prioritized for those who have just returned from going home and are self-isolating at home.

"While carrying out WFH, ASN employees must continue to fill in online attendance from where they are," explained Nizar.

This Circular of the Secretary General also stipulates that ASN employees who are going home pay attention to the status of the risk of spreading COVID-19 in the area of origin or destination of the trip. They must also comply with the policy to enforce restrictions on community activities (PPKM) and comply with health protocols.

"In addition to central officials, I also address this circular to the leadership of State Religious Universities, the Head of the Provincial Office of the Ministry of Religion, the Head of the Regency/City Ministry of Religion, and the Head of the Technical Implementation Unit. I ask everyone to be active in monitoring and controlling," he said.