Coordinating Minister For Human Development And Culture Visits Victims Of Slide Collapse At Kenpark Surabaya

SURABAYA - Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia Muhadjir Effendy visited the victim of a slide that collapsed in the Kenpark Surabaya swimming pool who is currently being treated at RSUD dr. Soetomo and RSUD Soewandhie. "This afternoon I along with the Governor of East Java Khofifah Indar Parawansa and the Mayor of Surabaya Eri Cahyadi visited the children and several people who were injured yesterday due to the incident in Kenpark. We want to check their condition," he said at the dr. Soetomo, Sunday 8 May. The slide collapse at Kenpark Waterpark, on Saturday (7/5), resulted in as many as 17 people being injured, eight people being treated at RSUD dr Soewandhie and nine people at RSUD dr Soetomo. In intensive care, four of them have been allowed to go home and undergo treatment at their respective homes. Muhadjir said previously he and his entourage had visited the victim who is currently being treated at the Soewandhie Hospital Surabaya. It's hard here (Dr. Soetomo Hospital) but God willing, it will be handled by a very competent doctor so hopefully everything can be resolved properly," he said, quoted by Antara. the condition of the rides, especially when it's the peak of the 2022 Eid holiday. "Please check the condition of the rides you own, especially the rides that I have no risk. Checked for validation and condition. If that's the case, the creators from abroad are often checked so that their conditions are safe," said Muhadjir. Furthermore, officers were also asked to really supervise visitors who use the rides so that their use does not exceed or violate proper procedures. You have to be really careful. Children are also playing," said Muhadjir. The former Chancellor of the University of Muhammadiyah Malang hopes that the disaster at Kenpark Surabaya will be the last. To go to the transition period from pandemic to endemic, one of which is opening public facilities, including recreation areas," said Muhadjir.