Government Prepares Priority Recipients Of COVID-19 Vaccines, Included Legislative Members

JAKARTA - Chairman of the Committee for Handling COVID-19 and National Economic Recovery (KPC-PEN) Airlangga Hartarto said the government had made a list of priorities for recipients of the COVID-19 vaccine.

There are a number of parties who are planned to get vaccines first and among them are medical officers to law enforcement officials, which number up to 3.5 million people.

"So first, the government prepares recipients based on priority. First, at the forefront consisting of medics, paramedics, then health services including the TNI and Polri as well as law enforcement officers, the number is around 3.5 million," said Airlangga in a press conference broadcast on YouTube BNPB. , Monday, October 12th.

Furthermore, the government will prioritize community leaders, religious leaders and regional apparatus with a total of five million people. In addition, 4.3 million educators from the Early Childhood Education (PAUD), Kindergarten, to tertiary education levels will also get priority.

"Then government officials, central and regional, legislative 2.3 million people," he explained.

Finally, the parties who get priority are the beneficiaries of BPJS Health contributions, which amount to 96 million.

"Well, this totals 102 million and people aged 19-59 total 160 million. Based on the existing vaccine, two doses are needed, namely 320 million. Regarding this need, the government is making an MOU or binding for that amount," said the Party Chairman. Golkar.

In an effort to meet the need for vaccines, there will also be a number of companies that will help administer it independently. However, the control will still be carried out by the Ministry of Health (Kemenkes) together with Bio Farma in accordance with the Presidential Regulation (Perpres) which has been signed by President Joko Widodo.

"So there are two steps, namely given the government and the rest are independent vaccines. All of them are controlled by the Ministry of Health and Bio Farma based on the signed Presidential Decree," he said.

Furthermore, related to this vaccine administration activity, it will not be carried out simultaneously throughout Indonesia but will be carried out gradually until 2022.

The government, said Airlangga, will also involve 11 thousand community health centers throughout Indonesia.

"Not all at once. Gradually. So we imagine if we inject as much as one million per day, one year around 260 million and we involve 11 thousand puskesmas. 1 puskesmas minimum, 100 injections," he said.

Regarding the availability of the COVID-19 vaccine in Indonesia, the Coordinating Minister for the Economy said that in the fourth quarter of 2020 the government is trying to prepare 271.3 million vaccines. He even said, currently the pharmaceutical company AstraZeneca has committed to providing 100 million vaccines for Indonesia.

"Now the Minister of Health, the Minister of Foreign Affairs and the Minister of BUMN are leaving to prepare the first 50 million and paid orders," said Airlangga.

Furthermore, the government and Bio Farma are trying to prepare 160 million vaccines. "Preparations are being made," he concluded.