Airlangga: Jokowi Hopes That The Demonstration Of The Job Creation Law Does Not Become A New Cluster For The Spread Of COVID-19

JAKARTA - Demonstrations carried out by various groups to reject the ratification of the Omnibus Law on Job Creation have continued in several regions. President Joko Widodo has warned his ministers so that this speech does not become a new cluster for the spread of COVID-19, considering that currently the pandemic has not ended.

Coordinating Minister for the Economy Airlangga Hartarto admitted that he received direct directions from Jokowi, to prevent the existence of a new cluster from the demonstration.

"Then also the President's direction that it is necessary to remind the public that now the situation is still in the COVID-19 pandemic. So, of course, the demonstration activities are expected not to bring a new demo cluster," he said, in a video conference , in Jakarta, Monday, 12 October.

Airlangga said the government continues to remind people to adhere to health protocols such as maintaining distance, wearing masks, and washing their hands frequently.

"What the BNPB Task Force has always said is that we have to keep our distance, wear masks, and wash our hands frequently. And once again, demonstrations or demonstrations should not become a new pandemic cluster," he explained.

The Chairperson of the COVID-19 and PEN Management Committee said that later if there are demonstrators who are reactive to COVID-19, they will be immediately separated and taken to the COVID-19 referral hospital.

"The handling of those who are reactive during a demonstration is in principle separated and taken to a referral hospital," he said.

As is well known, the demonstration was held a day after the Omnibus Law on Cipta Kerja was passed on October 5. The action lasted for three days in Jakarta and a number of areas. However, several regions are still carrying out actions to reject the sweeping laws.

It is feared that demonstrations involving thousands of people from various circles will cause a new cluster of the spread of COVID-19. This is because a number of people who joined the mass action were known to be reactive to COVID-19 after undergoing a rapid test from the police.

In Jakarta itself, a number of reactive demonstrators immediately went into isolation.