Drivers Who Forced To Enter Rest Areas Assessed As Cause Of Congestion During Eid Al-Fitr 2022 Backflow, Police: If You Are Sleepy Outside The Toll Road

JAKARTA - The National Police said that one of the causes of congestion on toll roads during the return flow for Eid 2022 was because many motorists forced their way into the rest area. In fact, the condition of the rest area is full.

"The points of overcrowding are in the rest area, meaning that travelers are forcing their way into the rest area," said Dirgakkum of the National Police's Korlantas, Brigadier General Aan Suhanan, to reporters, Saturday, May 7.

With the rest area full, the drivers who couldn't enter decided to stop at the edge of the toll road. This is what causes congestion.

"Then if you don't enter, stopping on the shoulder of this road will result in traffic jams behind it," he said.

Therefore, the Police appealed to motorists not to force their way in. Those who are really tired are asked to leave the toll road to the arterial road to rest.

If the physical condition has recovered, the trip can be resumed. "If you are really sleepy, and the rest area is closed, you can exit the nearest toll road," he said

Motorists can continue their journey on arterial roads. Because, the condition of the arterial road is already empty, especially at night.

"After a short break, you can re-enter the toll road or continue through the arteries because if it's late tonight it's already smooth for the arteries," said Aan.