Crossing Activities At Merak Harbor Increase, School Holiday Effect Extended?

BANTEN - Banten Police recorded a significant increase in crossing activities at Merak Port, Banten. Many people travel to Bakauheni Port, Lampung.

This increase is thought to be the impact of the government's announcement to extend school holidays. As is known, the Ministry of Education and Culture, Research and Technology announced that the school holiday was extended until May 11.

"The flow that departs from Merak Port to Lampung has also increased, from 41,114 on Thursday (March 5), increasing to 56,193 passengers on Friday (March 6)," said Shinto at Merak Port, Banten, Saturday, March 7. reported by Antara.

In line with the increase in the number of ship passengers, the number of motorized vehicles crossing from Merak Port to Bakauheni Port has also increased.

According to PT ASDP Indonesia Ferry (Persero)'s 2022 Lebaran Lebaran passenger accumulation records, the number of motorized vehicles for the period Thursday (March 5) at 08.00 WIB to Friday (March 6) at 08.00 WIB reached 8,124 vehicles.

Meanwhile, in the period Friday (March 6) at 08.00 WIB to Saturday (March 7) at 08.00 WIB, the number of vehicles has increased to reach 10,517 vehicles.

"The increase is by 2,903 vehicles or reaching 29.4 percent," he said.

This increase, Shinto continued, is an anticipation for the local police to prevent snaking queues and congestion in the Merak Port area.

"This is data that must be anticipated considering the increasing number of people and vehicles passing from Merak Port to Lampung," said Shinto.