In Return For Inviting A Number Of Parties To Discuss The Work Creation Law, The Chairman Of The Central Java University BEM Did Not Attend The Invitation

JAKARTA - Central Java Governor Ganjar Pranowo together with a number of related parties from various circles sit together to discuss the Job Creation Law at the Gradhika Bhakti Praja building, Semarang, Monday, October 12.

Ganjar opened the dialogue space to absorb aspirations and input from Apindo Central Java, Central Java Kadin, academics from Diponegoro University, Semarang State University, Sultan Agung Islamic University, Sebelas Maret State University, and labor representatives.

Ganjar actually invited the Heads of BEM of state universities in Central Java, but none of them were seen attending the meeting.

"I deliberately invited workers, businessmen, campuses and students to discuss this issue (the Job Creation Law), but maybe because there was an event, students did not attend. We heard his opinions, including earlier from the Coordinating Ministry for the Economy which explained very well and in detail. , "said Ganjar as quoted by Antara.

He admits that until now the final draft of the Job Creation Law has not been submitted to the public, but at least a number of issues that are in the spotlight can be discussed in depth.

"Earlier, the workers' representatives after the joint discussion also said, you know, this is a very good law, but why don't my fellow workers know the stories? So this is a communication problem that must be resolved immediately," he said.

Related to this, Ganjar immediately opened a complaint and consultation post for workers who wanted to convey their aspirations regarding the Job Creation Law, even at the meeting there was a campus that would also open a similar service.

"It turns out that the campus supports this, and they will set up a similar post to accommodate aspirations. So, if later the posts in the government seem to be canalized, the role of this campus will be important so that they can convey it there," he said.

This meeting, continued Ganjar, is expected to be a trigger for everyone to know and understand the Job Creation Law so that it will be followed up with optimization of complaint posts.

"There is indeed a communication problem that must be fixed. That is why we are holding this meeting so that all can clearly know. Our goal is to create a post to accommodate all aspirations, not only workers but also the interests of entrepreneurs, society and other parties," he said.

Ganjar did not force the public, especially laborers, to agree with the Job Creation Law, and his party gave room to those who refused to conduct a judicial review at the Constitutional Court or provide input to the government regarding the plan to form PP and Perpres.

"But I sincerely ask, please don't crowd, don't destroy the park. Come on, have a good demonstration, let's care about everything, especially during a pandemic like this. We hope everyone will understand," he said.

Secretary of the Confederation of All Indonesian Workers Unions (KSPSI) in Central Java, Syariful Imaduddin, said that the activity initiated by Governor Ganjar was very good as a place for dialogue and conveying aspirations.

"Moreover, the situation is now getting more complicated, so this kind of dialogue space needs to be appreciated. We hope this space for dialogue and discussion is opened as widely as possible for us so that we can clarify the problems that occur," he said.

According to him, the Job Creation Law has been passed by the DPR so the best way is to conduct a judicial review if there are articles that are deemed harmful.

"Apart from that, the government also opens space for input from the public in the preparation of PP and Perpres related to the Job Creation Law. So, this is what must be utilized, labor unions both at central and regional levels must immediately consolidate themselves in order to provide input regarding technical regulations from the invite it, "he said.