Testimony Of A Victim Who Was Beaten When Reprimanding People Playing Firecrackers At The Waqf Cemetery

JAKARTA - Komar became the victim of a group of people at the waqf cemetery in the South Cipete area, Cilandak, South Jakarta.

Komar said the incident occurred on Tuesday, May 3 at around 09.00 WIB. The incident began when he was reciting the grave in his family's Waqf grave.

But while praying, there was a group of people playing with firecrackers. As a result, Komar reprimanded the group.

"Suddenly someone set up firecrackers in the middle of the grave, I was shocked. 'Again, it's the Koran, it's not polite anyway, set firecrackers," said Komar when met at his home in the South Cipete area, South Jakarta, Friday, May 6. .

"I rebuked him well, like this, 'Brother is noisy this is a cemetery, I am reciting the Koran and others on pilgrimage, the Koran, Yasin. Moreover, in the (grave) listen, it means that people in the grave are praying, 'please don't put firecrackers' ' they shut up," he continued.

When he went to the grave site, the group of people set off firecrackers again. That's what made him come to the crowd again.

"I turned around, suddenly there was a bang (firecrackers). So I challenged, I turned back, I said 'I already told you, why did I challenge you' I saw there was an old one. instead of advising'," he said.

"Finally I looked for help, asking for help to get rid of the group of firecrackers. Brother sahroh came over, 'already dispersed, the group saw me. He thought I was complaining," he added.

After being disbanded, the group of people were not happy until they finally chased the victim. He was in the middle of the grave trying to attack one of the group of people.

"From 100 meters, he chased me. My position was in the middle of the grave. In total there were 15 people, but there were some who beat me, about 7 people. One person fell, two people fell, but the third one I just beat up," he said.

After the beating, he was still able to walk and asked for help to RT 02, Ashari. Then he was taken to Fatmawati Hospital for treatment.

"After X-rays showed bruises on the spine, broken teeth and broken hands," he said.

Meanwhile, it was confirmed by the Head of the Cilandak Police, Kompol Multazam Lisendra, who confirmed the incident. Now the incident is being handled by the police.

"It is true that there was abuse, the victim has returned home, the police have handled it professionally with the residents of Cilandak," Multazam told VOI separately.