Those Who Want To Go To The Top, Please, Since 9 O'clock This Morning, One Way

JAKARTA - The system of opening and closing along the Puncak route is still being implemented. This morning, the preferred path is the one that leads to Puncak.

This information was conveyed through the Bogor Police TMC Instagram account, Friday 6 May.

Since 09.00 WIB this morning, one way to the top or the Peak has been implemented. This means that all cars heading to Ciawi will be stopped first.

Until when is this enforced? According to the schedule, it will be implemented until 12.00 WIB later. After that, it was the turn of the one way direction in Ciawi that was applied.

But it all depends on the situation and conditions. This means that the police can change the one-way system faster or take longer.

Based on VOI's observation on Jalan Raya Gadog, the upward current is indeed smooth. The car can go at a moderate speed. The Ciawi direction is still passable, only for motorbikes.