DPRD DKI: PSBB Or Not Don't Leave People Hungry, Free Their Search For A Livelihood

JAKARTA - DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan has decided to implement the transitional PSBB starting tomorrow, Monday 12 October to 25 October. The DKI DPRD highlighted the Provincial Government's policies in order to ensure the survival of its citizens.

"I can claim that DKI has implemented the most various ways to stop the pandemic. But the results are the same, it seems that it is time for our country to strengthen the immunity of the citizens, ”said Deputy Chairman of the DKI Regional Parliament, Zita Anjani, in a written statement received by VOI , Sunday, October 11.

As of today, the percentage of positive cases of COVID-19 quoted by Zita stands at 12.2 percent. Even the positive number every day has never dropped from 1,000.

"I admit, the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government is the most appropriate in implementing the PCR test instructions from WHO, always exceeding the target set. But if the case of spread does not decrease, then other alternatives must be used, "continued the PAN politician.

Zita also alluded to the PSBB and knocked the hammer on the approval of the work creation law. The passage of this law is said to have made all efforts to deal with COVID-19 in vain.

"I'm sure the authorities know the impact of this ratification, definitely a demonstration. Finally people gathered again in Jakarta. A new cluster arises. People's efforts to hold back at home are in vain, ”he said.

"Poor people are hungry. If there is no support from all parties, it is better for the people to be free. Let them earn a living to strengthen their own immunity. Because the government is unable, or maybe not willing to fulfill it, ”added Zita.