Governor Of Central Java Eid Prayers At Simpanglima, This Is The Schedule For Eid Prayers In Semarang City

SEMARANG - Central Java Governor Ganjar Pranowo and Central Java Forkopimda will hold Eid prayers at the Simpanglima Pancasila Field, Semarang.

Chairman of the Takmir Baiturrahman Grand Mosque (MRB) Central Java, KH Dr Multazam Ahmad said, apart from Ganjar, the Minister of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) Basuki Hadimuljono who happened to be in Semarang City would also pray at the same place.

"After the Eid prayer, the Minister will review the implementation of the rehabilitation of the Baiturrahman Grand Mosque in Central Java. The Eid prayer will start at 06.30 WIB, as Imam KH Ulil Abshor AlHafidz and preacher Prof. Dr. Abdul Djamil MA, Professor of UIN Walisongo Semarang," said Kyai Multazam in Semarang. , Sunday May 1st.

According to him, pilgrims are expected to have performed ablution from their respective homes, wear masks and bring mats for prayer or prayer rugs. Parking points have been prepared by the committee.

It is hoped that they do not forget to wear masks and comply with health protocols (prokes).

The Mayor of Semarang, Dr H Hendrar Prihadi SE MM and the Forkopimda of Semarang City will perform Eid prayers at the City Hall Courtyard, Jalan Pemuda Semarang. As a priest and preacher, a lecturer at Diponegoro University (Undip) Semarang KH Dr H Muhammad Adnan MA. Meanwhile, Eid prayers at the Great Mosque of Central Java (MAJT) Jalan Gajahraya Semarang will start at 06.45 WIT. As Imam KH Zaenuri Ahmad Alhafidz and preacher Dr KH Nafis Junalia MA, Postgraduate lecturer at UIN Walisongo Semarang.

Eid prayer at the Semarang Grand Mosque (MAS) Kauman Semarang will start at 06.30 WIB. As imam KH Hanief Ismail Lc and preacher Habib Ja'far Shodiq Almusawwa.