Jakarta's Strict PSBB Is Not Effective, Positive Cases Of COVID-19 Continue To Increase

JAKARTA - The number of additional cases in DKI Jakarta remains high despite the implementation of Large-Scale Social Restrictions (PSBB). Based on exposure to Corona Virus Desease 2019 (COVID-19) in Jakarta, it reached 84,364 people.

Based on data on corona.jakarta.go.id, there was an increase of 972 people from the previous 83,392 people after the results of the swab test (PCR). This is the number of positive patients added the most in the last week.

However, this figure is lower than the addition on Thursday (8/10) as many as 1,009 cases, on Wednesday (7/10) as many as 1,340 cases, on Tuesday (6/10) as many as 1,007 cases, Sunday (4/10) as many as 1,430 cases. cases, on Saturday (3/10) there were 1,165 cases, and on Friday (2/10) 1,098 cases, then on Saturday (9/12) there were 1,440 cases, and on Wednesday (16/9) 1,505 cases were the most increase during a pandemic.

Although the addition on Wednesday (16/9) as many as 1,505 cases was the highest number of cases, the addition on Saturday (12/9) of 1,440 cases, is the record holder for the most positive cases obtained from test results that were only carried out once (September 11). 2020). Because the addition on Wednesday (16/9) is the addition of the results on 12, 13, 14 and 15 September 2020.

For the swab test up to the last PCR test results on Thursday (8/10), the details were carried out on 10,581 specimens in which 8,253 people were tested to diagnose new cases with the results of 972 positive cases and 7,281 negative cases.

Thus, the total average PCR test per one million population following the development of COVID-19 this Thursday was 97,680. The number of people tested for PCR in the past week was 63,281 cases.

As of the last test on Thursday (8/10), there have been 1,412,971 specimens (previously 1,399,350 specimens) that have been examined by PCR to find out traces of COVID-19 in five areas of DKI Jakarta through 54 laboratories.

From the number of tests above, DKI Jakarta recorded the percentage of positive cases based on the number of tests or "positivity rate" for COVID-19 during the past week in Jakarta after its development on Friday, down to 10.9 percent from the previous day of 11.3 percent. .

This figure is very far above the percentage limit set by the World Health Organization (WHO) in a week for a region, which requires no more than five percent to be categorized as a safe area.

Data on the spread of COVID-19 in DKI Jakarta (doc. Pemprov DKI)

The percentage of positive cases in Jakarta in total since the beginning of the pandemic in March 2020 after the development on this Friday is 8.1 percent (the same as the previous day).

Patients recovered from exposure to COVID-19 in Jakarta, as of Friday there was an increase of 851 people, increasing the number of patients recovering from 68,352 people previously, to 69,203 people.

The number of recovered patients is around 82.0 percent (the same as before) of the total positive cases observed this Friday of 84,364 people.

In the total positive cases, as many as 13,301 people (up 99 from the previous 13,202 people) were still being treated / isolated, and 1,860 people (an increase of 22 compared to the previous 1,838 people) died, or 2.2 percent (the same as before) of the total cases. positive.