Ahead Of Eid, PT Pegadaian's Rp2.42 Trillion Profit Increase: Money Can Be Found But Memories Are Hard To Replace

JAKARTA - "Money can be found, memories are hard to replace, just pawn it!" That is the sound of PT Pegadaian's advertisement on a billboard in Jakarta.

Pegadaian really understands that going home or going home for the people of Indonesia is very important. The desire to go home this year is even greater, considering that routine activities every Eid are prohibited for two years due to COVID-19.

Pegadaian's Director of Human Capital Legal and Compliance, Ridwan Arbian Syah, ensures that customer assets deposited with PT Pegadaian are safe from crime as long as the community is in their hometown.

Ridwan said that people can be calmer during Eid because pawnshops during this long holiday increase the security of their outlets.

The atmosphere of the Pawnshop during the COVID-19 pandemic. (Between)

"Security is carried out with organic and non-organic systems and insurance protection is provided," said Ridwan in his written statement, as quoted by Antara, Thursday, April 28, 2022.

Ridwan suggested for people who want to make transactions during the holidays, they can take advantage of the Digital Pawnshop application for Conventional Pawnshops.

This year, Pegadaian is participating in the "Safe Homecoming Healthy Homecoming with BUMN 2022" program, by dispatching travelers to eight cities on the island of Java, namely Purwokerto, Semarang, Yogyakarta, Solo, Madiun, Malang, Gresik, and Surabaya. Homecoming with Pegadaian uses 20 buses that depart from the Kebon Nanas branch office, Jatinegara, East Jakarta.

Long holidays such as Lebaran are always used by the community to go home, because it is a moment of celebration of the big day. Of course it requires additional sources of funds compared to normal days.

Profit Rp2.42 Trillion

Although Indonesia's economic condition in general is still in a negative position, PT Pegadaian recorded positive growth during the 2021 period. The data shows an increase in company profits by 20 percent or Rp.2.42 trillion in 2021, compared to 2020 of Rp.2.02 trillion.

The increase in company profits was also due to the efficiency strategy carried out by the management and all levels of Pegadaian personnel. When a decrease in revenue is the impact of unfavorable operational performance, efficiency is the solution chosen so that the company continues to survive until it achieves an increase in profit.

This State-Owned Enterprise (BUMN) can also reduce operating expenses in 2020 by Rp. 19.17 trillion to Rp. 17.40 trillion in 2021.

The Digital Pegadaian application, its use in the community continues to be improved. (PT Pegadaian)

This strategy is considered quite effective because operating revenues in 2020 reached Rp. 21.96 trillion, but in 2021 it was corrected to Rp. 20.63 trillion.

Meanwhile, the decline in gold prices in 2021 by IDR 827,107 from 2020 in the same period at IDR 835,700, also affected the company's profit.

This has an impact on the decrease in Outstanding Loans (OSL) as of December 31, 2020 by IDR 56.8 trillion to IDR 51.9 trillion in 2021. This is because 98 percent of the goods guaranteed by customers are gold, in the form of jewelry or gold bars.

The rest are in the form of two-wheeled vehicles, four-wheeled vehicles and electronic goods such as televisions, cell phones, or laptops. All of which resulted in a significant effect on the performance of this Pegadaian company, as quoted from the Pegadaian website on Thursday, February 10, 2022.

During the past year, the company has also been active in launching programs to empower the community through restructuring, relaxation, interest discounts, social activities to launching a pawn care product or an interest-free pawn for a loan of a maximum of Rp. 1 million. The program can provide wider benefits to the entire community.

Meanwhile, the number of transactions through digital applications during 2020 was 3.40 million transactions, then in 2021 it rose 49.24 percent to 5.09 million transactions. There was an increase in transactions from 2020 of IDR 5.09 trillion, up 35.73 percent to IDR 6.91 trillion in 2021.

The impact of this increased use of digital transactions is a decrease in operational costs, such as reduced paper usage and faster service times. Likewise in terms of more accurate and real time data.

Pegadaian continues to encourage customers to use the Digital Pegadaian application. Currently, only about 20 percent of the total customers are familiar with the application.