Dozens Of TransJakarta Bus Stops Were Damaged By Mobs, Anies Estimated Loss Of Rp.65 Billion

JAKARTA - DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan said dozens of TransJakarta bus stops were damaged by the masses during a demonstration against the Job Creation Law. The loss is estimated at IDR65 billion.

"So there are 46 shelters that were damaged, then 3 shelters that were heavily damaged. This is like the stop at the HI Roundabout, Tosari and Sawah Besar. It is heavily damaged and has to be completely overhauled," Anies told reporters, Saturday, October 10.

There were 250 officers from several related agencies deployed to speed up cleaning up the remains of the damage. It is targeted that the damaged TransJakarta bus stops can be temporarily reused on Monday, October 12.

"We want this Monday to be able to be used again temporarily but not completely. Because half will be used and half will begin construction," he said.

In the process of renovating the bus stop is targeted to be completed in November. PT TransJakarta will carry out repairs to the bus stops.

"We hope that in 5 weeks everything will start operating again," he said.

"These are the assets of PT Transjakarta which will fix all this," he continued.

Meanwhile, regarding the estimated loss due to the damage to the halter, Anies continued, it was because the two bus stops that were damaged were the best work during the current construction. Regardless of the number of stops that were damaged in the tens.

"For the bus stop, it is estimated that as of today it is Rp65 billion. The figure is quite large. This is not a small number, and you could say this is the best bus stop in Indonesia which was damaged," said Anies.