Prioritizing Community Basic Needs, Market Traders Association Supports CPO Export Ban

JAKARTA - Chairman of the All-Indonesian Market Traders Association (APPSI) Sudaryono appreciates and supports President Joko Widodo's policy of deciding to ban the export of crude palm oil (CPO) and cooking oil.

"We appreciate President Jokowi's progressive policy on the export ban. We strongly agree with the President that the basic needs of the community are the main and important things," said Sudaryono in a statement in Jakarta, Friday, April 28.

Sudaryono considered it ironic if Indonesia as the largest palm oil producing country in the world actually experienced a shortage of cooking oil.

According to him, the behavior of the cooking oil mafia has made it difficult for people to get cooking oil recently or if there is one, the price has skyrocketed.

"I think the direction from President Jokowi regarding this matter is very clear that it is time for the palm oil industry to carry out an overall evaluation in meeting domestic needs and not prioritizing exports abroad," he said, quoted by Antara.

According to Sudaryono, if you look at the production capacity produced by domestic industries, domestic needs can be easily met.

It is known, the Minister of Trade Muhammad Lutfi confirmed that the ban on exports of Crude Palm Oil (CPO), Refined, Bleached, and Deodorized Palm Oil (RBD Palm Oil), Refined, Bleached and Deodorized Palm Olein (RBD Palm Olein), and used cooking oil. Oil (UCO) to meet the needs of the community.

"Following the direction of President Joko Widodo, we reiterate that the current government's main priority is to ensure the availability of cooking oil at affordable prices for all Indonesians," said the Minister of Trade.

The Trade Minister conveyed that the decision was taken very carefully, taking into account the day-to-day developments in the situation of the availability of bulk cooking oil for the community.