Waiting For The Dismissal Of KPU Commissioner Wahyu Setiawan After Being Hit By The KPK OTT

JAKARTA - General Election Commission (KPU) commissioner Wahyu Setiawan has not stated that he will resign from his position, even though he has been caught in the arrest operation (OTT) of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK). Wahyu is now a suspect in a bribery case regarding the interim replacement (PAW) of elected DPR candidates from the PDI-P faction.

The KPU has held a plenary meeting to discuss this issue. The KPU has also communicated with the Election Supervisory Agency (Bawaslu) and the Honorary Council of Election Administrators (DKPP), as their partners, to determine their stance.

As a result, there are a number of steps for Wahyu's status as a KPU commissioner. First, the KPU will make a report to President Joko Widodo, the DPR and the DKPP. Then, wait for Wahyu's resignation letter, then report it to President Jokowi, DPR, and DKPP. As well, preparing the relevant documents needed, including the chronology of the bribery incident.

"So that it can be immediately followed up to make permanent dismissals and the replacement process is carried out," said Arief, Friday, January 10.

Arief explained that the KPU commissioner could only be replaced when he was declared a defendant. At that time, the KPU commissioner who was the defendant would be temporarily suspended. After the initiation, it will only be decided permanently, whether to be dismissed or rehabilitated by his good name.

For a temporary dismissal, he said, the KPU needed a presidential decree as legality. He hopes Wahyu will immediately send a resignation letter so that the Presidential Decree will be issued immediately. That way, the KPU can determine the next position, namely the replacement of commissioners.

"We have prepared two options. First, we have to report the status of the suspect, but if there is a resignation, we will also submit it. So if there is no resignation, the process is temporary termination. If there is a resignation, we can immediately terminate it permanently," he explained.

Head of Bawaslu Abhan stated that Bawaslu issued four positions in response to this case. First, Bawaslu will report Wahyu Setiawan (KPU Member) to the Honorary Council of Election Administrators (DKPP) due to an alleged violation of the code of ethics in the process of determining the interim replacement of members of the Indonesian Parliament for the 2019-2024 period.

Second, Bawaslu stated that the appointment of Agustiani Tio Fridelina as a suspect in a suspected corruption case related to the appointment of the elected 2019-2024 members of the DPR RI has nothing to do with his position as a member of Bawaslu for the 2008-2012 period.

Third, Bawaslu reminds Bawaslu ranks throughout Indonesia. starting from the central, provincial, regency / city, sub-district, to sub-district levels in order to maintain ethics and behavior that reflect the principles of election administrators, as well as carry out roles and duties in accordance with the Law.

Fourth, Bawaslu hopes that the case does not interfere with the stages of holding the election for the Governor, Deputy Governor and Regent / Deputy Regent and Mayor / Deputy Mayor in 2020.