Reveals The Misuse Of Thousands Of Liters Of Bio-Solar And Pertalite Subsidized Fuel, North Kalimantan Police Arrest 15 People

KALTARA - The Special Criminal Directorate of the North Kalimantan Police (Kaltara) revealed allegations of misuse or sale of subsidized fuel oil (BBM) in a tributary of the Sebuku River, Sebuku District, Nunukan, Kaltara.

"Personnel of Sub-Directorate IV of the Special Crimes Directorate have found allegations of misuse or sale of subsidized fuel oil in the form of bio-diesel and pertalite in Sebuku District on Tuesday," said Director of Criminal Investigation at the Polda Kaltara AKBP Hendy F Kurniawan in a written statement received in Tarakan, Antara, Thursday. , April 28.

The evidence that was secured in the form of a SPOB Walesta Brothers ship loaded with subsidized fuel of bio-diesel as much as 27,752 liters and pertalite 57,614 liters.

Then one red fuel tank car with police number KU 8366 N loaded with pertalite, one blue tank car with police number KT 8866 EC loaded with pertalite and one yellow truck with police number KT 8393 loaded with 25 empty drums.

"The team managed to secure 15 people in the misuse of subsidized fuel," said Hendy.

A total of 15 people who were arrested are still undergoing examination at the Sebuku Police. They are SPOB Walesta Brothers ship workers with the initials S (30), J (29), SHB (30), MA (40), A (21), R (54), J (21), and TA (43)

Then from the supervisor of the public fuel filling station (SPBU) who were secured with the initials S (33), FI (17) the driver of the KT 8866 EC fuel tank, and MR (19) was the assistant of the tank car.

From the fuel tank with the police number KU 8366 N, driver A (22) managed to secure it. And from the truck with the license plate number KT 8393, they managed to secure driver H (56) and assistant RR (20).

"The disclosure of the misuse of subsidized fuel is due to public reports that there is a scarcity of bio-diesel and pertalite fuel in Nunukan, even though Pertamina's coordination has sufficient supply," said Hendy.

He revealed that according to the delivery order document, the distribution or sale of subsidized fuel oil in the form of bio-diesel and pertalite, should have gone to the PT Saini Naik Pasulangi gas station 65774004 in Nunukan.

However, the Walesta Brothers ship distributed or sold to other parties in the Sebuku area as much as 57,614 kiloliters of pertalite type of fuel and 27,752 kiloliters of bio-diesel fuel through two tanker trucks with police numbers KU 8366 N and KT 8866 EC and one truck loaded with 25 drums with KT 8393 CN.

"Currently investigators are still conducting further investigations," he said.

The article that is violated is the misuse of transportation and or trade of fuel as referred to in Article 53 and/or Article 55 of Law No. RI. 22 of 2001 concerning Oil and Gas and or Article 62 in conjunction with Article 8 and or Article 9 of the Republic of Indonesia Law Number 8 of 1999 concerning Consumer Protection.

Or Article 106 of RI Law Number 7 of 2014 concerning Trade and or RI Law Number 2 of 1981 concerning Legal Metrology, in conjunction with Articles 55, 56 of the Criminal Code.