Hundreds Of Residents Of Wadas Land Owners Received Rp335 Billion In Compensation For Construction Of The Bener Dam Quarry

JAKARTA - The government has disbursed Rp335 billion for residents affected by andesite mining in Wadas Village, Bener District, Purworejo Regency. The distribution of land compensation was given to 233 residents, which process ran from Wednesday, 27 – Friday, 29 April.

The head of the Serayu-Opak River Basin Center (BBWS), Dwi Purwantoro, said the payments made in two days totaled 296 fields.

"The total value is approximately Rp. 335 billion. The total area we paid today in Wadas Village is 46.6 hectares," said Dwi in a written statement received Thursday, April 28.

Dwi also said that his party was grateful to the residents who gave up their land for the construction of the Bener Dam quarry.

According to him, the value of the land compensation was based on an agreement with the residents after a deliberation process was carried out. In this way, the affected people already know the value they will receive.

"So there is no such thing as the land being taken, and then not being paid for, it doesn't exist," he asserted.

Because, continued Dwi, the government always tries to provide the best for the public interest. Thus, according to him, if there are issues that residents are asked to come but are not paid, that is not true.

He added that the compensation recipients will receive according to the value written on the nominative list. That way, there will be no shortage of a single rupiah when residents receive money for profit.

"From us, the government has not cut or reduced a single rupiah," he said.

Meanwhile, Head of BPN Purworejo, Andri Kristanto, added that the payment for the 296 fields was intended for 233 people. He also divided the compensation money into two days.

"Today, it will be distributed to 162 plots of land. With a total of 129 people," he explained.

"The next day the same thing will be done for 134 fields, with a total of 104 residents," he added.

His party hopes that the evidence of the provision of compensation money today shows that the government is serious about releasing and paying compensation for profits, considering that the value is greater than the market price.

"For residents who have not received it, they can be moved to free their land like other residents who are currently receiving compensation for profits," he said.