Ridwan Kamil: The Presence Of Leaders During COVID-19 Is Important

JAKARTA - West Java Governor Ridwan Kamil stated that the presence of a leader directly in handling COVID-19 in an area is very important.

"Today COVID-19 cannot be controlled by cellphone or video conference capital. There are technical matters and usually in a sad, stressful atmosphere, the presence of a leader is important," said Ridwan Kamil who is usually called Emil in an interview with the spokesman. Covid-19 Handling Task Force Reisa Broto Asmoro at the presidential office in Jakarta, reported by Antara, Friday, October 9.

According to Emil, he also felt himself when he directly monitored how the residents responded.

"Many people are grateful, many pray, that's why we have to be balanced, when in the room, when on the field," Emil added.

Emil admitted that he has been based in Depok since Friday, October 2, 2020.

"West Java, the response to COVID-19 is divided into three geographies, because they are different, each demographic type requires different handling," Emil said.

The first geographical is the zone attached to Jakarta, namely Bodebek, the second capital city of West Java and its surroundings and the remaining 27 regencies / cities.

"In Depok because every day 75 percent of West Java cases come from the Bodebek zone. Sometimes 70, sometimes 73, sometimes 75. Second, Depok is in the Pilkada. I want to make sure that I can fully concentrate on managing the 75 percent while ensuring the election goes well, there is no. violation of protocol, God forbid the term should not be a new cluster, "Emil explained.

Every week, a day or two he confessed to consolidating support.

"For example, in Depok, the occupancy rate of the hospital is high, we coordinate with the central government, the province gives 40 additional ICU rooms. We must coordinate these things," Emil added.

Emil admitted that COVID-19 can be won only when the community cooperates with the government.

"That's why I like it like this, COVID-19 is like war. Imagine if we are in war again, if it's a war, who should go down? Yes, everyone. If we used to be in conventional warfare, the army was in front, now doctors, health workers. "It's a war again, those who have assets donate assets. Now it's the same. Let's support donating PPE, donating masks," Emil said.

No less important are innovations such as innovations in vaccines, drugs, and volunteering.

"Lastly, those who do not defend the country with wealth, knowledge, and energy, do not become victims of defending their country. How to stay away from the crowd, plus 3M: wear a mask, keep your distance, wash your hands, everyone has to step down. As an aura leader I must be optimistic. His name is general. You have to keep the spirit to lead, "Emil said.