Deputy Governor Of DKI: 50 Percent Of Protesters Reject Omnibus Law Arrested Non-Jakarta Residents

JAKARTA - Deputy Governor of DKI Jakarta, Ahmad Riza Patria, came to the Jakarta Metro Police Headquarters to see the condition of the demonstration participants rejecting the Job Creation Law. Riza got data that 50 percent of the demonstrators arrested by the police since yesterday were not Jakarta residents.

"Earlier, I conducted a visit to the Polda Metro, that there were approximately 1,192 students and students who were arrested last night. Of all that, it turns out that more than 50 percent are not Jakarta residents," said Riza at the City Hall of DKI, Central Jakarta, Friday, October 9. .

Riza regretted the action taken by a number of students, students and the community and considered their actions anarchist. Because, it is known that more demonstrators who were arrested were school students.

"More than 60 percent, it turns out that they are under 19 years of age or the status is a student, not a student or even a laborer," said Riza.

According to Riza, the ratification of the Job Creation Law which is the policy of the government and the DPR is in accordance with statutory regulations. People are asked to obey these rules even though they are considered detrimental to workers.

However, if the public still does not agree to the ratification of the Omnibus Law, Riza suggests that residents conduct a judicial review to the Constitutional Court (MK).

"This effort can be carried out constitutionally with a judicial review to the Constitutional Court. That is our constitution. Moreover, now in this pandemic era it is very dangerous, I am afraid there will be a new cluster in the demonstration," he said.