Police Divided Into Three Density Categories At Merak Port: The Handling Is Different

JAKARTA - The National Police has prepared several schemes to anticipate and break down passenger density at Merak Port during the 2022 Lebaran homecoming period. The scheme is divided into three categories of situations.

"The police have prepared and carried out security in case of queues or accumulation of vehicles and passengers at Merak Harbor in these three situations," said Head of the Public Relations Division of the National Police Inspector General Dedi Prasetyo in his statement, Thursday, April 28.

The three categories of situations include green, yellow and red. The division refers to the level of density.

The green situation is the normal condition of Merak Port in terms of the number of ships and docks. There is no traffic density around Merak Harbor.

In a green situation, security is carried out by preparing personnel at the post to monitor and regulate the flow of passengers. Then, the arrangement of vehicles at the intersection of the circular building for traffic outside the port. Then, carry out vaccination checks and rapid antigen letters 1x24 hours, carry out patrols throughout the wharf.

Then, the yellow situation is the condition of Merak Harbor starting to get crowded but the number of ships and piers that are operated are still normal. Another yellow situation indicator, namely the queue of vehicles has occurred in the Merak Port area and reached Cikuasa Atas.

"Safety measures in that situation are increasing the number of personnel and filling out posts. Carrying out vaccination checks and rapid antigen letters 1x24 hours. Activating the four-wheeled bulkhead post or more in front of the top fly over and placing personnel at the Soni Hotel. For a queue length of about 4, 2 KM can accommodate about 750 buses or 3,700 four-wheelers and prepare an evacuation route from the fly over to Hotel Pesona," said Dedi.

Meanwhile, the red situation at Merak Port means that the conditions are already crowded. Queues of vehicles have occurred in the Merak Port area, the upper flyover up to the Merak-Tangerang or West Cilegon toll roads.

"Security measures include increasing the number of personnel carrying out vaccination checks and rapid antigen letters 1x24 hours. Carrying out insulation activities at the upper flyover for four-wheeled vehicles or more. Queues to each dock are controlled by internal security and controllers in the round building. Personnel placement on sections The West Cilegon toll road is for selective insulation for local vehicles or the surrounding community," said Dedi.

On the other hand, the National Police are also collaborating with ASDP regarding the readiness for homecoming at Merak Port. ASDP will make efforts to operate large capacity vessels from April 22 to May 1, 2022.

Then, extend the check-in time with the departure time and extend the ticket expiration time. Then, optimizing tollgate operations and adding special tollgates for two-wheeled vehicles. If there is a surge in the arrival of motorbikes, they are directed evenly to each pier or directed to a specific pier.

"Increasing the carrying capacity by operating large ships or adding operating vessels at Pier 5 and implementing loading and unloading arrangements on the port side that does not experience a surge," said Dedi.