Revealing The Mission Of The Establishment Of PDSI, To Compete With IDI For Firing Terawan?

JAKARTA - A number of doctors declared the establishment of the All-Indonesian Doctors Association (PDSI), Wednesday, April 27. The declaration was held in Jakarta and led by Brigadier General TNI (Ret.) Dr. Jajang Edi Priyanto SpB MARS.

The chairman of PDSI, Jajang Edy Prayitno, said that the background to the formation of PDSI was one of the reasons for the situation that made health personnel noisy recently. One of them is the case of the dismissal of former Minister of Health Terawan Agus Putranto from the membership of the Indonesian Doctors Association (IDI).

"We formed PDSI in accordance with the mandate of Article 28 of the 1945 Constitution regarding freedom of association and assembly, due to the recent situation that made health personnel noisy. Yes (one of which was the Terawan Vs IDI riot)," said Jajang.

So, what is PDSI's mission to compete with IDI because Terawan was fired?

Regarding this, Jajang denied that the organization he founded was aimed at competing with IDI. It is known that IDI is the only national and independent medical professional organization as stipulated in the Medical Practice Law No. 29 of 2004.

"We don't feel like we are competing (with IDI)," explained Jajang.

According to him, PDSI is an alternative forum for the medical profession that is separate and does not belong to IDI. PDSI, said Jajang, is under the control of the Indonesian Medical Council (KKI).

Jajang said that PDSI had been registered with the Ministry of Law and Human Rights (Kemenkumham) with SK Number AHU-003638.AH.01.07.2022.

He explained that the establishment of this association is to fulfill the rights of Indonesian citizens in association and assembly which are guaranteed by Article 28 of the 1945 Constitution as the highest constitution in the Republic of Indonesia. As confirmed in the Decree of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights mentioned above.

Jajang also expressed the vision and mission of PDSI. His vision is to be a pioneer of Indonesian medical reform that upholds peerage, and has an Indonesian perspective for the world in order to improve people's health standards.

Meanwhile, the mission of this organization is threefold. First, protecting doctors by synergizing with the people and the government by forming a professional organization. Second, improving the health level of the Indonesian people and the welfare of members. Third, encourage innovation of the nation's children in the health sector with an Indonesian perspective for the world.

"Thus, PDSI stands on the noble ideals of its predecessors in the field of medical science by prioritizing national values, kinship, courtesy, and always anticipating advances in medical science and technology," said Jajang.

Jajang also opened wide for all doctors in Indonesia who intend to join the medical professional organization. However, the condition is that doctors who want to join PDSI must resign from other medical professional organizations such as IDI.

Responding to the PDSI declaration, the Elected Chairperson of the IDI Executive Board (PB IDI) Dr. Slamet Budiarto, stated that in Indonesia, each health profession may only establish one organization.

"In the whole world, there is only one medical association in each country," said Slamet, Wednesday, April 27.

This, he said, was in accordance with the provisions of the Health Manpower Act. And according to him, IDI is the one that is recognized.

"The Medical Practice Law and the Constitutional Court twice ratified IDI as a single organization," he said.