Backflow In 2022, Pattimura Airport Passenger Activities Increase

JAKARTA - The increase in the number of Lebaran homecoming passengers, both arriving (arrival) and departing (departure) began to occur at Ambon's Pattimura Airport on D-6 Lebaran 2022.

This was conveyed by the Legal Compliance and Stakeholder Relations Manager of PT Angkasa Pura I, Ambon Pattimura Airport Branch, Aditya Narendra.

"Passengers who arrived at Ambon's Pattimura Airport on Tuesday, (April 26) or D-6 before the celebration of Eid Al-Fitr 1443 Hijri were 1,590 people, while those who departed were 1,828 people," said Aidtya in Ambon, Wednesday, April 27.

When compared with activities at the airport on D-7, the number of passengers who arrived was 1,208 people using 21 flights, while 1,435 people departing using 23 flights from Ambon to Makassar (Sulsel), Jakarta, and Surabaya (Jatim).

According to him, this condition illustrates an increase in the number of passengers between 10 and 20 percent of the traffic realization in April 2022 compared to March which was in the range of 960 passengers.

"As for the prediction of the peak of the homecoming on D-3 before the celebration of Eid al-Fitr 1443 Hijri, but the percentage will be seen according to developments in the field," said Aditya.

The scheduled flights currently operating at Ambon's Pattimura Airport include Garuda, Citilink, Lion Air, Wings Air, Batik Air, Sriwijaya Air and Trigana Air airlines.

Meanwhile, pioneer flights to a number of airports in the Maluku region are served by the airline Sam Air.

The increase in the number of Lebaran homecoming passengers is also closely related to the controlled conditions of the pandemic and the great public interest in carrying out Lebaran homecoming.

"However, health protocols are prioritized where every domestic traveler (PPDN) who uses air transportation from and to regions throughout Indonesia applies provisions where PPDN who have received the third dose of vaccination are not required to show a negative result of the RT PCR test or antigen," he said. reported Antara.

Then for PPDN who have received the second dose of vaccination, they are required to show a negative result of the antigen sample taken within 1 x 24 hours or a negative result of the RT-PCR test, the sample is taken within 3 x 24 hours before departure as a condition of travel.

In addition, PPDN that has received the first dose of vaccination is required to show a negative result of the RT-PCR test whose sample was taken within 3 x 24 hours, and the PCR test requirements also apply to travelers who have certain health conditions or special comorbid diseases.

Unvaccinated comorbid patients are required to show the results of a 3x24 hour PCR test together with evidence of a doctor's certificate from a government hospital.