Minimizing Crime During Eid Homecoming, Metro Police Chief Inspector General Fadil Alerts Members 24 Hours

JAKARTA - Metro Jaya Police Chief Inspector General Fadil Imran has alerted members of the security guard for the 2022 Eid homecoming for 24 hours. The aim is to prevent the occurrence of crimes such as muggings and theft of the drug mode.

The statement was made by the Head of the Regional Police, Inspector General Fadil, while reviewing the condition of the Eid homecoming at Pasar Senen Station with the Minister of Transportation, Budi Karya Sumadi.

"We have alerted our members 24 hours so that crimes such as drugging, pickpocketing, snatching and so on are minimized," Fadil told reporters, Wednesday, April 27.

Based on monitoring at Pasar Senen Station so far, Fadil claims that he has not found any crime. His party has also coordinated with PT KAI to use CCTV cameras for surveillance.

"So that all behaviors that intend to commit crimes can be overcome through monitoring at the command post," he said. Even though he had prepared security, Fadil appealed to the public to remain alert to the surrounding situation and conditions.

In addition, the public is also advised to plan their homecoming trip carefully. So you don't get stuck in traffic.

"Departures must also be arranged so that there is no accumulation, because that is our concentration. Because the more crowded the higher the congestion," said Fadil.

For information, the peak of the 2022 Eid homecoming flow is predicted to occur on April 28 and 29. It is estimated that 85 million people will return to their respective villages.