PlayStation Creators Want To Make Robots That Can Make Human Work Easier

JAKARTA - The creator of the PlayStation game console, Ken Kutaragi, is reportedly working on a robot project that can help human work. It is planned that this robot prototype will be completed in one year.

Launching a Bloomberg report on Friday, October 9, the CEO of Ascent Robotics will also embed artificial intelligence technology in the robot. Where he wants to develop robots that can move freely and safely while doing physical work with humans such as in factories or logistics centers.

"The COVID-19 outbreak has changed the old argument about robots taking over our jobs. It is now quite clear that if we want to reach a new normal, we need more robots in our daily lives," said Kutaragi.

In developing this working robot prototype, Katuragi also collaborated with a number of technology companies such as Kawasaki Heavy Industries and other robotics developers. Including using the algorithm from the Lexus Hybrid autonomous car as a standalone motion sensor for this robot.

"If you want to combine robotics and mobility, you need someone responsible who understands technology. We think globally, don't limit our view to Japan," said Kutaragi.

In fact, Katuragi is not new to the technology business, he started his career at Sony since the 70s. Katuragi is also involved in working on a number of electronic projects from Sony.

In the 90's, he revolutionized video game play by developing the PlayStation 2 (PS2) which later became a popular console. Since leaving Sony in 2007, he has been appointed to the board of directors at e-commerce giant Rakuten. In addition, Kutaragi has also served as director of the executive board of Ascent since 2018 and took over as CEO on August 26.