Cadre Resigns Because The Party Supports The Job Creation Law, PAN: That's An Alibi

JAKARTA - The Wasekjen of the National Mandate Party (PAN), Soni Sumarsono, said that he had no objection and accepted that the Chairman of the Bandung City DPD PAN Uum Syarif Usman resigned from the party, even though the resignation letter had not been received until now.

"The DPP PAN secretariat has not received the Uum letter today but if it is true, then the PAN DPP will accept and have no objections," said Soni in a written statement quoted on Friday, October 9.

Moreover, DPP PAN assessed Uum's resignation because he said his party was not in line because supporting the Omnibus Law on Job Creation was only an alibi and seeking justification because his position would be replaced.

In this period, Soni said, the DPP PAN would indeed replace Uum because of his inadequate work.

"DPP PAN plans to replace Uum as Chair of the Bandung City DPD PAN because in the 2019 Election, PAN did not get a single seat in the DPRD," he said.

So, reflecting on this defeat, DPP PAN then took a stance to replace Uum because it had a target for the 2024 General Election. , "he said.

In an effort to achieve this target, after the 5th Regional Conference of the Regional Representative Council of West Java's PAN, Desy Ratnasari as chairman, the consolidation program will also continue to be increased starting from districts and cities throughout West Java.

"PAN is also currently focusing on improving and structuring the organizational structure down to the village level as well as carrying out a cadre process to produce militant-ideological party cadres at the forefront," explained Soni.

"God willing, PAN members and cadres will increase," he added.

Previously, besides Uum, there were also other cadres who resigned because PAN supported the Omnibus Law on Cipta Kerja, namely the Deputy Treasurer of the DPD PAN Pangandaran Regency, Ade Nanang.

He confirmed that he would resign from this party bearing the sun. This resignation was done because he felt disappointed over the decision of the PAN faction in the DPR RI.

"It is true that we plan to resign from PAN," said Ade when contacted.

"We think that the decision (ratification of the Job Creation Law) is very detrimental to the little people. There is no partiality for the little people and tends to side with entrepreneurs," he added.

In addition, Ade also mentioned his resignation because he felt that his party was not in line with reform ideals and supported the decisions of the regime in power.