Kediri Police Handle 15 Cases Of Abuse Of Explosives During April 2022, 20 People Arrested

KEDIRI - Kediri Resort Police (Polres), East Java Police handled 15 reports related to cases of misuse of firecrackers explosives with a total of 20 suspects. the entire area of Kediri Regency. There are 13 crime scenes," said Kediri Police Chief AKBP Agung Setyo Nugroho, in Kediri, Tuesday, April 26. He said the report was submitted during April 2022. Allegedly, because of the euphoria ahead of Eid 2022, the community set off firecrackers. His party also said that from that case, there were 20 suspects who had been named, with some of them still underage. For adult suspects, they are detained, while for children there are separate mechanisms for handling them. For evidence, it is known that the total is 43 kilograms of firecracker powder, 32 packs of firecrackers, firecracker shells of various sizes, firecracker corset, firecracker wick, 5.5 kilograms of sulfur, 1 kilogram aluminum powder, 3 kilograms of KCL 03, 1 kilogram of cement, 28 firecrackers that already contained firecracker powder without a wick and various other evidences. Currently, all of the evidence is stored at the Kediri Police Headquarters. Meanwhile, the suspects are still being detained for further legal proceedings. They are threatened with being snared in Article 1 paragraph (1) of the Emergency Law Number 12 of 1951. Regarding the case of the explosion of firecrackers on Jalan Kromosari entering Banjarejo Village, Ngadiluwih District, Kediri Regency which resulted in the finger of a nine-year-old boy being seriously injured, the Kediri Police have determined five people. suspect. Of the five people, two were detained. The other three are still minors, so they are still under investigation by investigators. The police chief also said the case is still being developed. Currently, the suspects who are not minors have been detained at the Kediri Police Headquarters for further investigation. A, one of the suspects admitted that he only made firecrackers this year with his friends. He also did not know if there were victims because of the firecrackers. "After the firecrackers were lit, I went home," said A. Officers also continue to conduct raids to suppress the circulation of liquor, especially oplosan.