[PHOTO] Riot Demo Rejects Job Creation Bill

JAKARTA - Demonstrations against the ratification of the Job Creation Law have ended in chaos. Hundreds of people were arrested and several public facilities were damaged. Based on police records, thousands of people were arrested during the two days since October 7.

The demonstration ended in chaos and destruction by the masses. One of the targets for vandalism was the police post at Monas, which is near the Ministry of Defense (Kemenhan) building.

The masses who were involved in clashes with the police. The demonstrators tried to approach the Palace but were stopped by the police.

Finally, the police post at Monas was burned by the masses. Likewise, the police post for the Arjuna Wijaya Horse Statue at Jalan Medan Merdeka Barat, Jakarta was also targeted. The protesters set fire to the police post.

We present several selected photos taken by our photographer, Irfan Meidianto, from various points of mass in Jakarta today.